NCCP Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines Model of Care Recommendations

Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines Model of Care Recommendations

In 2014 the National Cancer Control Programme published the findings of an Oncology Medication and Safety Review which was conducted across the 26 hospitals in Ireland involved in the administration of systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) in adults and children. 

A key recommendation from this review was the development of national guidance on the care of patients receiving Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines (OAM). In addition, the National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026 recommended the development of a model of care for OAM (Recommendation 23).

The working group convened by the NCCP has now completed the national model of care for OAM and is available at the following link:

NCCP Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines Model of Care Recommendations

The publication of the NCCP Model of Care Recommendations meets these recommendations. This represents a significant advance in patient safety for cancer care.